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Dining Out in Carnforth

Please note that due to current government restrictions on capacity, it is essential that you book early to avoid disappointment. 

Fancy eating out or enjoying a drink or two then closest to home is Longlands Pub. Turn left out of the main gates and over the bridge (opposite Greenland’s Farm Village). Very attractive pub with outdoor seating, family and dog friendly. Sky TV for the sport’s fanatics. From here take a lovely walk down the canal where you will probably see narrowboats moored up.

If you are in Windermere for the day then you can get on the ferry across Far Sawrey (a bit of a novelty for the kids on the ferry!) and there is a lovely pub called Cuckoo Brow Inn just up the hill from where you get off the ferry. The food is lovely, nice place for an evening meal and family-friendly.


Drive through Carnforth and you will come to The Canal Turn. Great location overlooking the canal offering good British pub food at reasonable prices. Family and dog friendly. Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Call 01524 720546 to reserve a table.


The Eagles Head, Over Keller, is less than 10 minutes drive from Twin Lakes, nice pub food and family-friendly but you need to pre-book Call 01524 732457


If you want to go out for breakfast one day then I would suggest the Archers at Red Bank Farm, it’s less than 15 minutes drive away. The food is lovely and it’s very family-friendly and right by a little beach. You will need to book as it’s not that big.


For the best fish and chips head to Arnside about 10/15 minute drive is the Arnside chip Shop. Currently, all food has to be preordered on their website for preallocated time slots. This system is working well but you will need to place your order early to get your preferred time. Well worth the effort it is great food.


For Chinese food and a short drive into Carnforth, is Trung’s restaurant offering both dine-in and takeaway. Great Chinese food offering both your favourites and some delicious specialities.

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